community outreach

Our outreach teams work to uplift and help our members. They make support easier to access by meeting people where they are, be it at home, at school or at work. Outreach programs are offered in partnership with other Six Nations’ organizations and institutions and are designed to be flexible and customized to individual needs and preferences.


Social Services

15 Sunrise Court

Ohsweken, ON

P: 519.445.2071


The Youth in Transition (YIT) Worker program is designed to encourage, support and coach individuals in their process of transitioning to adulthood.

The YIT Worker assists in providing successful access to services in the community and adapting a healthy development approach while moving forward to adulthood. The program embraces a motivational coaching model and is highly centered on a one-on-one conversational, email, text messaging or virtual meeting that empower youth in achieving their personal goals.

Who Can Participate?

  • Youth ages 16 to 24
  • Youth who may be in or leaving care
  • Youth who have been previously involved or are currently involved with CAS under the following criteria – Crown or societal wardship, legal custody order, formal customary care agreement, eligible to receive RYS at 16/17 (does not have to have accepted this), were eligible to receive Continued Care and Support for Youth (CCSY) (formally called Extended Care and Maintenance), and/or are in the process of, or have recently transitioned out of the CAS

The YIT Worker follows the plan set by the youth and can help the youth in any area of their life. The Worker can help build connections in:

  • Employment services and training
  • Housing supports
  • Education resources
  • Life skills training
  • Financial literacy training
  • Healthy relationship supports
  • Parenting supports
  • Legal services– Computer training
  • Healthy living and recreation

Contact the Youth In Transition (YIT) worker to confirm your best fit for participation.


P: 226.387.2359 or 226.387.8462

P: 519.445.2071

The intent of the AADR program is to improve outcomes for children who are in protection or may need it. This is achieved by offering a collaborative approach to resolve child protection issues and disputes. It encourages the involvement and support of the child’s family, extended family and the community in planning and decision-making.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Self-identified, status, or eligible to be status, Indigenous children and youth and their families
  • Must live within the Six Nations of the Grand River, Brant and Haldimand counties and Hamilton and Niagara regions



15 Sunrise Court

Ohsweken, ON

P: 226.387.0752

P: 519.445.2071

Our aim is to provide substantive equality to the families in our community so that our next seven generations are successful.

Offering prevention-focused delivery of the program to assist Children and Families towards a holistic approach to their family well-being through;

  • Increase coordinated access to systems of care
  • Minimizing or deescalating protection concerns for families involved with a Child Protection agency
  • Provide prevention-focused services that promote family well-being, family stabilization, preservation, and reunification.
  • Support families currently involved in Child Welfare
  • Assist families who are experiencing challenges and if left unaddressed, may lead to Child Welfare involvement



15 Sunrise Court

Ohsweken, ON

P: 519.732.5881 or 519.717.5892

P: 519.445.2071

The Post Majority Support Services (PMSS) Worker program is designed to encourage, mentor, deter homelessness and support First Nations youth aging out of care and young adults formerly in care as children; with a range of services. To support First Nations youth and young adults on a needs-based centred process with services for eligible youth and young-adult as they transition to adulthood in the province or territory in which they reside.

The PMSS Worker promotes thriving First Nations youth and young adults during their individual transition to adulthood and supports their self-identified best interests, including their cultural, physical, emotional, relational, and psychological safety, security, and wellbeing.

Who May Participate: First Nations (FN) Youth and Young Adults accessing Post Majority Support Services include:

  • FN Youth aging out of care
  • FN Young adults formerly in care who have not reached the age of 26
  • FN Youth who have been in alternate care, who are approaching the age of majority (ON-18)
  • FN Young adults who were in care as of the day they turned the age of majority and have not yet reached the age of 26

Care status includes; extended society care, guardianship, custody, alternate care, kinship care. The definition of care includes when a child or youth, ordinarily resident on reserve or in the Yukon, and has been placed to live outside of the family/home of origin.

The PMSS Worker follows the needs-based plan set by the eligible youth and/or young adult to establish healthy connections that empower and motivate the youth or young adult to achieve their personal goals with the following supports:

Access to financial support

  • Needs-based financial support (budgeting, credit, money management)
  • Equitable funding to meet basic needs and access clothing and hygiene items
  • Livable basic income based on local realities and inflation
  • Financial literacy programs and access to financial advisors
  • Financial planning
  • Financial costs and support to acquire various forms of identification (birth certificate, government ID, passports)
  • Financial cost and support for driver’s permit and driver’s education

Access to learning and educational opportunities

  • Education mentorship and support
  • Assistance to navigate education systems and options
  • Access to resources and support related to education, rights
  • Education-related costs
  • Professional development and skills training, and/or career path planning
  • Specialized supports such as tutoring, career counselling
  • Cultural learning, regalia, resources, and opportunities
  • Technology required for education
  • Financial support for training and certifications such as, first aid, food safe, childcare

Access to safe, stable, and comfortable housing

  • Needs-based financial support
  • Rent and rent subsidies
  • Interim housing options during transition of youth to independence
  • Housing stability during transition to adulthood
  • Supports in viewing housing, guidance, transportation
  • Moving costs and support
  • Housing-related skills training
  • Basic household necessities
  • Basic household utilities, including internet connectivity and clean water
  • Home repairs
  • Life and home skills, including in home supports, such as cooking, housekeeping, planning, life coaching
  • Clothing including clothing required for employment
  • Personal care and hygiene including menstrual supplies
  • Clothing including clothing required for employment
  • Personal care and hygiene including menstrual supplies

Support to be physically, mentally and socially well

  • unique holistically supports to assist in (re)connecting meaningfully with their family
  • access to supports that promote reunification and/or repatriation to strengthen family bonds
  • Non-insured medical, dental and allied health services prescribed by relevant professional
  • Sexual and gender identity health supports, such as education related to sexually transmitted diseases, sexual health
  • Recreation and sport
  • Funding to ensure consistent access to holistic health services, transportation to and from, support navigating health systems
  • Counselling

Contact us to confirm your best fit for participation.


P: 226.387.8462 or 226.387.2359

P: 519.445.2071

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